Info-Atari16 Digest Friday, August 25, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 417 This weeks Editor: Bill Westfield Today's Topics: Re: X windows Re: Any Make-Your-Own-Music program out there? Re: Atari loyalty....How long can it last... STFOLDED source code posting? AMCGDOS (again) Atari Dealer Database subscribe More on drive "no write" problem Help with drive "no write" please! UUCP packages CAPS LOCK DEVICE REQUEST PD applications on GENIE / EMPIRE Version 3.0 for the ST. gulam bug Re: HELP IDENTIFYING SEAGATE 296N WITH REV. 7 ROM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 21 Aug 89 18:38:09 GMT From: mcvax!sunic!kullmar!pkmab! (Daniel Deimert) Subject: Re: X windows To: Is it possible to post this "Unix Windows"-software to the net? -- Daniel Deimert / / Internet: Fridstav. 4 / / UUCP: ... S-715 94 Odensbacken / / kullmar!pkmab!daniel SWEDEN / / Phone: +46-19-52037, +46-19-111441 (BBS) ------------------------------ Date: 21 Aug 89 18:57:34 GMT From: mcvax!sunic!kullmar!pkmab! (Daniel Deimert) Subject: Re: Any Make-Your-Own-Music program out there? To: In article <> ( Lars Bo Nielsen ) writes: >I was wondering if there are any music programs for the ST. What I am >looking for is a program where you can make your own music, and play >it using the speaker in the monitor (i.e. NOT using the MIDI). I would >prefer it to run on a monochrome monitor (thats the only one I got). I don't know if there's any programs for monochrome, but there are several for color (like the "SoundTracker" for the Amiiiiga, yerk :). Soon there will come a 4-voice SoundTracker-look-alike from a couple of Swedish "Hackers". (I.e. SYNC). PD or SW, of course. If you want I can keep you (and the rest of the Net) informed. -- Daniel Deimert / / Internet: Fridstav. 4 / / UUCP: ... S-715 94 Odensbacken / / kullmar!pkmab!daniel SWEDEN / / Phone: +46-19-52037, +46-19-111441 (BBS) ------------------------------ Date: 21 Aug 89 10:52:46 GMT From: mcvax!ukc!icdoc!syma! (Graham Thomas) Subject: Re: Atari loyalty....How long can it last... To: >From article <>, by > Atari Corp. is run by a bunch of amateurs. My niece's Junior Achievement > Company could run Atari far better than the current management does. > People might be interested to know that at a recent UK Atari Show (not attended by Atari UK) a petition was circulated which called on Atari to support their machines in a way that mathced the efforts of software companies and user groups. Despite being run from a stand in an obscure part of the show, the petition quickly gathered thousands of signatures (I think I read 6,000, but I doubt if that was the final total - anyone in the UK know any better?) An Atari spokesperson said they 'were not aware of the situation' but would be willing to meet the organisers of the petition. I don't know if any meetings have taken place. I believe the petition was organised by the Association of Atari User Groups. Maybe someone can supply their address, and the text of the petition, so that Usenet people can add their names to the list. Graham -- Graham Thomas, SPRU, Mantell Building, U of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK JANET: EARN/BITNET: ARPA: UUCP: grahamt@syma.uucp Phone: +44 273 686758 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 12:30:58 SET To: From: I0908%DKAFHS1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: STFOLDED source code posting? Date: 22 August 1989, 12:24:13 SET From: Cornelius Caesar BITNET / EARN: I0908 at DKAFHS1 To: info-atari16 at Can somebody (or probably Todd Burkey himself ??) please post the source code of STFOLDED also to, if the author permits it? Thus we people on remote BITNET nodes (hi, Larry Rymal...) without FTP access could get it from the archive server. Thanks, Cornelius PS: Of course I would also be glad to receive a personal mailing of the source code... ------------------------------ From: G. J. Baker Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 12:35:17 +0100 To: Subject: AMCGDOS (again) A while back Julian Reschke posted a copy of the english version of the german GDOS replacement (AMCGDOS). I can decode my copy, but no way can I unarc it. I keep getting 'CRC check fails' error. Has anyone got a working copy that they could post to me. Many thanks in advance. G.J.Baker | Post: S.E.R.C., | Daresbury Laboratories, EARN/ | Warrington, WA4 4AD, | U.K. | Phone +44 925 603586 ------------------------------ Date: 21 Aug 89 16:40:31 GMT From: att!mtuxo!mtgzz!drutx!druhi!terrell@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (TerrellE) Subject: Atari Dealer Database To: Does anyone have a database of Atari dealers in the US (or overseas for that matter)? I am looking for dealers/distributers of a software product that I've developed. Any leads will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Eric Terrell ------------------------------ To: Subject: subscribe Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 08:52:19 -0400 From: "James A. Murray" subscribe please add me to the mailing list thank you, James Murray ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 89 05:02:41 GMT From: psuvm! (J.J. Lehett) Subject: More on drive "no write" problem To: As another sidenote on my problem concerning my drive not writing is that I get no errors at all from the system .... and that if I delete something it will immediately show it as gone... I guess the directory is stored in RAM.. . but when I close and reopen the directory the program is right back on the disk.... any help at all will be appreciated! Thanks in advance, ------- * * * J.J. Lehett Bitnet address: JJL101@PSUVM.bitnet * * or JJL@ECL.PSU.EDU * * a.k.a. Scux JJL@PSUECL.bitnet * ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 89 02:32:48 GMT From: psuvm! (J.J. Lehett) Subject: Help with drive "no write" please! To: I am experiencing a rather horrible problem right now... my drive - a single sided on, does not seem to have the ability to write to disks anymore, although it reads them fine... I can't even format a new disk properly.... as much as I can tell it is not a virus... I have used "clean disks" and the same problem occured.... I had this problem once before, but I can't remember how I fixed it, I just messed around with placement of equipment, pushed chips down and such, and within a day of fooling around like that - it worked again.... but I can't get it to this time... does anyone have any ideas or was faced with a similiar problem and knows a fix? ------- * J.J. Lehett Bitnet address: JJL101@PSUVM * * a.k.a. Scux * ------------------------------ Date: 21 Aug 89 20:54:44 GMT From: agate!!wasatch!!!mailrus!sharkey! itivax!m2-net!moses@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Eric Doggett) Subject: UUCP packages To: Does anyone know of a PD UUCP package that would work on the IBM emulator or the Atari ST itself, I would like one that can handle news as well.. I would like to know of one that can be gotten through ftp...!m-net!moses!!spirit!wybbs!moses ------------------------------ Date: 22 AUG 89 13:03:36 CST From: Z4648252 To: Subject: CAPS LOCK DEVICE REQUEST During the WOA at Dallas, lowly user that I am, I asked several developers and commercial ST miracle workers if it was possible to build a caps lock indicator for the ST. I discovered that *I must be the only one who needs this*! Not one single developer saw the need. They looked at me in awe and politely listened. Yes, it was possible they said, but no, I'm not interested and the need is really not there, they indicated. Sigh. Try logging on a mainframe that is case sensitive or accidentally bump the caps lock key when fat fingering. For a touch typist who spends more time looking at the copy rather than the screen, it can be infuriating to see your screen output in the wrong case. If a LED indicator could be had, then your peripheral vision would see the caps lock indicator. Yes, there are corner caps/lock indicators that are software driven. However, these may not always work for certain programs and, when using the ST in emulation mode for either Spectre or IBM, then the user has to tap the keys a couple of times to determine the case. At any rate, is anyone else interested in a hardware caps/lock indicator? If so, how would one be built? Larry Rymal in East Texas ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Aug 1989 14:56 EDT From: Chuck Reid Subject: PD applications on GENIE / EMPIRE Version 3.0 for the ST. To: Atari ST Digest I am one one of what I expect are many, many readers of the electronic magazines "STREPORT" and "ZMAG" (thanks to Greg Lindahl!). With each weekly issue, I end up drooling over the reviews of the various Public Domain and Shareware applications available on the various Online services such as GENIE. I do not have access to these services do to my limited budget (if I were to subscribe, I'm sure I would blow my budget many times over)! The fact that I live in the frozen north of Canada doesn't help matters either (these services are not particularly easy to get to from up here unless one endorses one's paycheck over to the phone company in its entirety). Through the magic of interconnected networks I do (as does most of the rest of the world outside of the continental USA) have access to various servers/archives from which I can extract goodies. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the reviewed and recommended PD goodies never see the light of day outside the "for-pay" services. If some gracious GENIE user had it in their heart to do the ATARI community at large a great service then they might take it upon themselves to periodically suck up the best from GENIE and input these applications to the more worldly available servers/archives often mentioned in this digest. The two servers I use personally are: TERMINATOR and PANARTHEA. These are both excellent sources for a non-IP user like me with EMAIL access and no anon-FTP abilities. Thanks for the help!!! ---------------------- Has anybody seen or heard a recent update on the availibilty of EMPIRE 3.0 for the ST. Note: EMPIRE is a commerical product and not PD or shareware! ==== Buy it, don't steal it!!! Contact INTERSTEL. The last this reader heard was an appetizing summary of what was to be made availble in this new release. This was dated some time in November 1988. As you can see this info is comming up on its one year anniversary which really makes me wonder. I could call INTERSTEL but then that issue of LONG distance phone calls presents itself (only to reach some order-taker who doesn't know anything and takes ten minutes of prime time long distance charges to tell you that they don't know anything)! Thanks again! _ _ / ) / / / ) "In theory, there is no difference / /-/ /_/ between theory and practice; (_/ / / / | . In practice, there is" Chuck Reid. Local 5992 Rm16.SLB.CCS.UWO.London.Canada / CCSCHR@UWOCC1.UWO.CA ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 89 18:39:38 GMT From:! (dennis pixton) Subject: gulam bug To: I've noticed several problems with redirection in gulam ( -- most recently with shar and ssed. I finally narrowed it down to the following situation. I wrote a trivial program, args.prg (compiled with mwc) to dump out its args, the environment, and whether the file handles are ttys. When I run args a b > junk I get the output in junk: arg[0] through arg[2] are "args", "a", and "b"; and handle 1 is not a tty. I then simply *rename* args.prg to shar.prg and run shar a b > junk This time the output is to the screen: arg[0] to arg[4] are "shar", "a", "b", ">", and "junk"; and handle 1 is a tty. I checked that there is not another "shar" in my path, and that env_type is set to "mw". The same thing happens if I rename args.prg to ssed.prg, but if I rename it to (for example) sed.prg then the redirection is correct. The problem doesn't happen if I use msh instead of gulam. Does anyone know what is happening?? And is there any possibility of an upgrade to gulam?? -- Dennis Pixton Department of Mathematical Sciences (607) 777-4239 SUNY-Binghamton Binghamton, NY 13901 dpixton@bingvaxa.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 89 02:25:54 GMT From: hp-pcd!hplsla! (Andy Cassino) Subject: Re: HELP IDENTIFYING SEAGATE 296N WITH REV. 7 ROM To: writes: | | Thirdly, the packing slip from the manufacturer gives the drive's specs. | I'll verify this - I'm looking at mine right now. | Note that many folks with the ROM 8 296N are quite happy with | 2:1 interleave and about 400+k data transfer rate. After all, most | things coming off your drive are relatively small. Unless you have | disk intensive operations going all the time, you may be satisfied with | ROM 8's. | I'll also verify this. My experience is that the FAT lookup is a much bigger bottleneck than transfer rate - even with FATSPEED. Also, when loading large programs, I notice that quite often it takes the program 2-3 times longer to wake up than it took to get it off disk. Increasing transfer rate 30% isn't going to be very helpful. My guess is that handling very large data files is where the transfer rate is going to get in your way - then you want to try something like the Quantum Kevin mentioned. I'd also mention that a good disk cache is really the best way to speed up some disk-intensive operations like compiles, short of putting all the libraries, files and executables in a RAM disk, that is. I use DCACHE and with 200-300K of cache, recompiles often only make one or two brief disk accesses. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those solely of the author, who has no pecuniary interest in the companies mentioned. Copyright (c) 1989 by Andrew Cassino. All rights reserved. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Andy Cassino % % uucp: hplabs!hplsla!andyc domain: % % Hewlett-Packard Lake Stevens Instrument Division % % 8600 Soper Hill Road Everett, WA 98205-1298 % % (206) 335-2211 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ************************** -------